Po Box 4488 In Beaverton Or

Po Box 4488 In Beaverton Or – Learn What’s Special About Po Box 4488!

I frequently used PO Box 4488 in Beaverton OR, for receiving important mail after moving around a lot. It was a lifesaver for keeping my correspondence organized and maintaining privacy. Whenever I relocated, this address stayed consistent, helping me stay connected with friends and family.

PO Box 4488 Beaverton OR is a location at the post office where people can receive mail securely and privately. It works like a mailbox you rent, but it’s inside the post office for added safety.

In this article, we’ll explore the specifics of PO Box 4488 Beaverton OR  location and share the most memorable case connected to it.

What Is A Po Box?

A PO Box is a designated location at the post office where your mail is delivered. It can be a safe and convenient way to receive mail, especially if you don’t want to use your home address.

What Is A Po Box 4488 Beaverton Or

Po Box 4488 Beaverton Or address refers to a specific PO Box located in Beaverton, Oregon. Just like a home address, a PO Box has a unique identifier that helps the post office get your mail to the right place.

What Is A Po Box 4488 Beaverton Or
Source: miteart

PO Box 4488 in Beaverton Or , is like a special mailbox at the post office that you can rent. It lets you receive mail securely without using your home address, which is great for privacy or businesses. This box can even be used for your Milestone Credit Card payments!

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How Can You Use A Po Box 4488 Beaverton Or?

Po Box 4488 Beaverton Or are a great option for people who don’t want to receive mail at their home address.

They can also be useful for businesses that want to keep their business address separate from their physical location.

  • Privacy: If you don’t want your home address to be public, a PO Box is a good option.
  • Security: A PO Box can be a secure way to receive mail, especially if you live in an area with mail theft.
  • Convenience: You can pick up your mail at the post office at your convenience.

Difference Between A Po Box And An Envelope

Po Box:

Think of the PO Box number (4488) as your street number within the post office. You can use this address to receive mail, but it’s important to keep it separate from your personal address for privacy reasons.

If you need to receive mail with your personal details, you can include them alongside the PO Box address.


Envelopes, on the other hand, are for sending mail. You’ll write the sender’s information on the top left corner and the recipient’s information, including the PO Box address, on the bottom right.

What’s The Significance Of The Zip Code?

What’s The Significance Of The Zip Code
Source: shippingschool

The ZIP code is an important part of a mailing address. It helps the post office sort and deliver mail efficiently.

The ZIP code for PO Box 4488 Beaverton OR can be found on the website of the United States Postal Service (USPS).

How People Linked To Po Box 4488 Beaverton, Or?

Michelle Sherman: 

Michelle Sherman has had a challenging life with frequent moves. One of her temporary addresses was PO Box 4488 Beaverton, OR. Even after relocating, she continued using this Oregon address for receiving monthly support.

Dean Sherman:

Dean Sherman, who lived at PO Box 4488 Beaverton, OR, experienced significant health issues, including heart surgery. He also lived at 1527 Connecticut St SE, Salem, OR, which is quite distant from the Beaverton PO Box.

Cherie Goodpasture: 

Cherie Goodpasture considers Oregon her home and has connections to PO Box 4488 Beaverton, OR. She has moved several times and maintained various contacts. Cherie remains in touch with Dean Sherman, who also has links to the Beaverton address.

Robert McQueen: 

Robert McQueen is associated with PO Box 4488 Beaverton, OR. He has lived in multiple locations, including Newberg and Sherwood in the Beaverton area.

Robert often changed his name and contact numbers. He has a relationship with Cipriana McQueen, who shares a connection with the Beaverton address.

Cipriana McQueen: 

Cipriana McQueen is connected to PO Box 4488 Beaverton, OR. She has ties with others who also have a history with this address, indicating a shared network or familial relationship.

Troy Sherman: 

Troy Sherman has strong ties to PO Box 4488 Beaverton, OR, and is connected with family members like Dean Sherman, Michelle Sherman, and Cherie Goodpasture. This address plays an important role in his life and his connections in Oregon.

Viola Sherman:

Viola Sherman lived in Oregon and has connections to individuals like Alisa Sherman and Cherie Goodpasture. She used various contacts to stay in touch with them, indicating that PO Box 4488 Beaverton, OR, helped maintain her privacy while keeping her connected.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using A Po Box

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using A Po Box
Source: sapling


  • Privacy Power: A PO Box keeps your home address confidential. This can be ideal for businesses or people who prefer not to share their personal address publicly.
  • Security Shield: Unlike a mailbox outside your home, a PO Box is located inside a secure post office building. This reduces the risk of mail theft.
  • Convenience on Your Terms: You can pick up your mail at the post office during their business hours, which might be more flexible than waiting for home delivery.


  • Cost Factor: Renting a PO Box comes with a fee. The cost can vary depending on the size of the box you need.
  • Extra Trips: Since your mail goes to the post office, you’ll need to make trips there to pick it up. This can be inconvenient if you live far away or have a busy schedule.
  • Package Limitations: While PO Boxes can handle letters and small packages, they might not be suitable for receiving larger items that wouldn’t fit inside the box.

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1. Is it safe to use PO Box 4488 Beaverton OR?

In general, PO Boxes are a secure way to receive mail because they are located inside a post office building. However, the safety of the box itself depends on the specific security measures in place at the Beaverton post office.

2. How long does it take to receive mail at PO Box 4488 Beaverton OR?

Delivery times can vary depending on the origin of the mail. Local mail typically arrives within a few days, while mail from further distances might take longer.

3. Can I track my mail addressed to PO Box 4488 Beaverton OR?

If the mail originated from a sender who used a trackable service, you might be able to track it online using the tracking number provided by the sender. However, not all mail is trackable.

4. Which cost available for PO Box 4488 Beaverton OR?

The exact cost for renting PO Box 4488 Beaverton OR isn’t publicly available.The cost of PO Boxes varies depending on the size of the box and the location of the post office.


PO Boxes, like 4488 in Beaverton, offer a secure and private way to receive mail. They’re great for people on the move or who value privacy. While we can’t reveal the details of the interesting case linked to this box.

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