– Get Your Cash!

Visiting was straightforward. I easily submitted my claim for the pet food I bought, and the site guided me through each step. It felt great to find a solution quickly and get compensated. dealt with a lawsuit about Midwestern Pet Food possibly having bad stuff in it. If you bought that food, you could have gotten money back, but the deadline to claim it was August 3rd, 2023.

In this post, we will provide an overview of the Midwestern Pet Foods Litigation, the settlement process.

What Is The Pet Foods Litigation?

Back in 2020 and 2021, some pet owners filed a lawsuit against Midwestern Pet Foods and Nunn Milling Co. These pet owners claimed that the companies sold pet food contaminated with harmful ingredients and didn’t properly inform customers about the issue. 

What Is The Pet Foods Litigation?
Source: Class Action

The lawsuit was filed in a federal court in Indiana. It’s important to note that this lawsuit never went to trial, and there was no official ruling on who was right or wrong, under the case number 3:21-cv-00007.

What Is The Settlement?

The lawsuit against Pet Foods and Nunn Milling Co. didn’t go to court. Instead, both sides came to an agreement, called a settlement. This settlement means the companies agreed to set aside money to pay back pet owners who might have been affected by the contaminated food.

If a judge approves the settlement (which they likely did), then people who bought the affected food could have filed a claim to receive compensation (money) for their troubles. Unfortunately, the deadline to submit a claim has already passed.

Who Can Get The Settlement?

  • Location: You had to be a resident of the United States. This means you lived in the country at the time you purchased the pet food.
  • Purchases: You had to have bought one or more pet food products from Midwestern Pet Foods, Inc. or Nunn Milling Co. This could have been dry food, wet food, or treats for your furry friend.

You can find a list of the specific pet food products covered by the settlement on the settlement website:

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How To Submit A Claim (Important Note: Deadline Passed)

Unfortunately, the deadline to submit a claim for the Midwestern Pet Food Settlement has already passed (August 3rd, 2023). This means you can no longer receive compensation through this settlement program.

However, for future reference, here’s how claims would have been submitted:

Two Ways to File:

  • Online: This was likely the most convenient option. You could have visited the settlement website,, and filled out a digital claim form.
  • By Mail: If you weren’t comfortable submitting information online, you could have downloaded a claim form from the website. Once filled out, you would have mailed it to the address provided on the website.

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Important Details:

  • Deadline: Even if the claim process were still open, it’s crucial to remember the deadline for submitting a claim was strictly enforced. Claims submitted after August 3rd, 2023, wouldn’t have been considered.
  • Documentation: To support your claim, you likely would have needed documentation like purchase receipts for the Midwestern Pet Food products you bought.

What Cash Benefits Can You Get? (Note: Deadline Passed)

The amount of money you could have received from the Midwestern Pet Food Settlement depended on whether you had proof of purchase (receipts) for the affected food:

What Cash Benefits Can You Get (Note Deadline Passed)
Source: VOA news

With Receipts (Preferred):

  • Full Reimbursement: If you had receipts or other documentation proving you bought the contaminated pet food, you could have been reimbursed for the full purchase price of the product.
  • Documentation Requirements: The specific documentation required might have varied, but receipts were likely the most reliable form of proof.

Without Receipts:

  • Limited Compensation: Even without receipts, you could have still received some compensation. However, the amount was capped at $50 per bag of pet food, with a maximum of two bags.
  • Uncertain Approval: It’s important to note that even without receipts, your claim wouldn’t have been automatically approved. The settlement administrator might have required additional evidence to support your claim (like knowledge of the recall or pet health issues potentially linked to the food).

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What Happens After The Settlement?

Important Note: The information below explains what would have happened if you submitted a claim before the deadline (August 3rd, 2023). Since that deadline has passed, you can’t participate in the settlement program.

Release of Claims:

By participating in the settlement and receiving compensation, you would have been agreeing to a “release of claims.” This is a legal term that essentially means you give up your right to sue Midwestern Pet Foods, Inc. and Nunn Milling Co. for the same issues involved in the lawsuit.

In simpler terms, by accepting the settlement money, you would have been agreeing to settle the matter and wouldn’t have been able to take further legal action against the companies regarding the contaminated pet food. This is a common practice in settlements, as it helps resolve the dispute and prevents future lawsuits over the same issue.


1. How much will I receive if I submit a claim? 

If you submit a claim, the amount you receive depends on the type of claim and if you have any proof of purchase. Claims with documentation get higher payments. Your payment might also be reduced if many people submit valid claims.

2. How do I know if I am eligible to participate in the settlement? 

You are eligible to join the settlement if you bought any Midwestern Pet Food products in the United States.

3. Is there a chance there will be another settlement in the future?

It’s unlikely there will be another settlement related to this specific lawsuit. However, if there are future issues with Midwestern Pet Food products, new lawsuits or settlements might emerge.

4. Could I have submitted a claim for pets other than dogs or cats?

The settlement likely focused on pet food typically consumed by dogs and cats. If you fed Midwestern Pet Food to a different type of animal, it’s uncertain whether claims for those pets would have been accepted.

Conclusion: provided information on how to get compensation for affected pet owners. Even though the deadline to file a claim has passed, the site still offers key insights into the Midwestern Pet Foods settlement process.

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