Church Of The Highlands Exposed

Church Of The Highlands Exposed: Megachurch Under Scrutiny In The Age Of Accountability

In the heart of Alabama, amidst the sprawling suburbs of Birmingham, lies the Church of the Highlands (COH) – a megachurch boasting tens of thousands of weekly attendees and a reputation for innovation. 

However, in recent years, COH has become a focal point for discussions on accountability and transparency within religious institutions. Headlines like “Church of the Highlands Exposed” have become a stark contrast to the glossy image the church cultivated. 

This article delves into the controversies that have shaken COH’s foundation, exploring the allegations, leadership decisions, and the broader societal shift demanding openness within houses of worship.

From Humble Beginnings to Megachurch Powerhouse

Church of the Highlands Exposed story begins in 2001 with Pastor Chris Hodges leading a small gathering in his house.

The church thrived on its modern approach to worship, featuring contemporary music, engaging sermons, and a tech-savvy atmosphere. This resonated with a generation seeking a spiritual connection that wasn’t bound by tradition. 

Church of the Highlands Exposed expanded rapidly, establishing multiple campuses across Alabama and Georgia, and becoming one of the nation’s largest churches.

Its success stemmed from a potent mix of charisma, outreach programs like addiction recovery and disaster relief, and a focus on building a vibrant community.

The Cracks Begin to Show: Questions of Leadership and Ethics

Despite its outward success, whispers of discontent began to emerge. Critics pointed towards the Church of the Highlands Exposed hierarchical leadership structure, where Pastor Hodges held ultimate authority.

The Cracks Begin to Show
Source: linkedin

Concerns arose regarding the handling of sensitive issues, particularly allegations of sexual misconduct against church staff.

In 2019, a former pastor named Micahn Carter faced accusations of sexual assault. While Carter was allowed to join COH for a “restoration program,” further allegations surfaced, raising questions about the church’s vetting process and its commitment to protecting victims. 

This incident wasn’t isolated. In 2013, COH welcomed Dino Rizzo, a pastor who resigned from his previous church due to an extramarital affair.

These decisions eroded public trust and fueled accusations of a culture that prioritized protecting its own over transparency and accountability. Pastor Hodges later expressed regret over these choices, acknowledging a need for change.

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Financial Murmurs: Where Does the Money Go?

Church of the Highlands Exposed financial practices have also come under scrutiny. Critics question the allocation of donations, with some alleging preferential treatment towards high-dollar contributors.

Additionally, the church’s affiliation with the Association of Related Churches (ARC) raised further concerns. In 2022, accusations of financial impropriety and bullying within ARC leadership surfaced. 

While COH severed ties with ARC following these allegations, the association it kept for years cast a shadow on its financial transparency. The lack of clear disclosure regarding salaries and the use of funds fueled public unease.

In the age of social media and online scrutiny, religious organizations are no longer immune to calls for financial accountability. People want to know how their donations are being used and if their faith leaders are acting ethically.

The Community Responds: A Divided Flock

The controversies surrounding COH have deeply impacted the Birmingham community. Longtime members have expressed shock and disappointment, while others have questioned the church’s core values.

Conversely, some continue to support COH, praising its outreach efforts and positive impact on the community. 

The Church of the Highlands Exposed response to the crisis has also drawn mixed reactions. Pastor Hodges’ attempts to address the issues, including promises of investigations and a renewed commitment to transparency, haven’t fully quelled the anxieties.

The Media Spotlight: A Double-Edged Sword

The rise of social media and online news outlets has fundamentally changed the landscape for religious institutions. COH’s controversies have been widely reported, sparking discussions and debates. 

While the media can amplify accountability demands, it can also lead to a one-sided narrative. Consulting multiple sources, including the church’s official statements, allows for a more nuanced understanding of the situation.

A Larger Conversation: Accountability in the Modern Faith Landscape

The issues plaguing COH are not unique. They reflect a broader societal shift demanding greater transparency and accountability from all institutions, especially those wielding significant influence. 

People are questioning the power dynamics within religious structures and seeking leaders who prioritize ethical conduct alongside spiritual guidance. As society evolves, so too must the way faith institutions operate.

COH at a Crossroads: A Time for Change?

The future of COH remains uncertain. The church faces the challenge of regaining public trust. This requires demonstrably changing its approach to leadership, addressing financial concerns openly, and fostering a culture where victims are supported and allegations are investigated thoroughly.

COH at a Crossroads: A Time for Change?
Source: timeshighereducation

The outcome will depend on several factors. Will COH genuinely embrace transparency and hold itself accountable. Can it rebuild trust within the community? How will it address the financial concerns surrounding its operations?

Most importantly, can it foster a culture where faith and ethical conduct go hand in hand. The answers to these questions will determine whether COH can emerge from this period of scrutiny as a stronger, more transparent institution, or whether it will become a cautionary tale for the megachurch movement.

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The Road Ahead: Hope and a Call for Transformation

While the road ahead for COH may be uncertain, it also presents an opportunity for transformation. This period of scrutiny can catalyze positive change.

By embracing transparency, prioritizing ethical conduct, and fostering a community built on trust and accountability, COH can reclaim its place as a beacon of hope for its congregation. 

More importantly, it can set a precedent for the megachurch movement, demonstrating that faith and ethical leadership can co-exist.

The Ripple Effect: COH and the Megachurch Movement

The controversies surrounding COH extend beyond the walls of the church itself. They spark a conversation about the megachurch movement as a whole.

Megachurches, defined as churches with weekly attendance exceeding 2,000, have become a prominent force in American Christianity.

They often boast cutting-edge facilities, celebrity pastors, and a focus on entertainment alongside worship. However, the COH situation raises questions about the potential downsides of this model:

The Cult of Personality: 

Megachurches often revolve around charismatic leaders, potentially fostering a culture where the leader’s authority goes unquestioned. This can lead to blind loyalty and a reluctance to hold these leaders accountable for their actions.

Focus on Growth over Substance: 

The emphasis on attracting large crowds can sometimes overshadow the core values of faith and community. This can lead to a focus on entertainment and superficiality rather than spiritual growth and ethical conduct.

Financial Opacity: 

The vast financial resources of megachurches often raise concerns about transparency. With large sums of money flowing in, questions about how these funds are used and the salaries of church leaders can arise.

The Human Cost of Controversy: A Look at the Individuals Involved

Lost amidst the financial allegations and legal battles are the human costs associated with the COH controversy. Congregants who have raised concerns may feel ostracized or unheard. Church staff caught in the crossfire may experience stress and uncertainty. 

It’s crucial to acknowledge the human element and prioritize open communication and support systems during such turbulent times.

A Story of Faith and Doubt: The Internal Conflict for Believers

For many COH congregants, the current situation presents a complex internal struggle. Their faith may be deeply intertwined with their experiences at the church. 

A Story of Faith and Doubt
Source: sbethcaplin

Facing allegations against leadership can create a crisis of faith, leaving believers questioning where to turn. Support groups and open discussions within faith communities can be instrumental in navigating these challenging times.

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1. What is the Highlands church scandal?

The Church of the Highlands, a well-known major church in Birmingham, Alabama, has faced intense scrutiny and criticism for activities taken by its main pastor, Chris Hodges, that were insensitive to racial concerns.

2. What happened to Chris Hodges’ son?

Michael Hodges was the previous Greystone campus pastor until his dismissal in 2017 for a “moral failing.” The speaking engagement at Freedom House Church in Charlotte appears to mark his comeback to public ministry.

3. Where is Pastor Chris Hodges now?

Chris is also the founder and Chancellor of Highlands College, a ministry training school that prepares and places students in full-time ministry positions. Chris and his wife Tammy have five children and live in Birmingham, Alabama, which is where the Church of the Highlands originated.

4. Who cut ties with Church of the Highlands?

The Birmingham Board of Education voted Tuesday night to terminate its contracts with the Church of the Highlands, following a controversy over Pastor Chris Hodges’ social media activities.

5. What is the problem with the church of the Highlands?

Critics claim that the Church of the Highlands has been unwelcoming and discriminating against the LGBTQ+ community, citing reports of individuals being dismissed or ostracized because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

6. How much does Church of the Highlands pastor make?

The average Highlands Church Pastor’s yearly salary in the United States is $64,244, which is 36% higher than the national average. Salary information is derived from three data points collected directly from employees, users, and previous and present job adverts on Indeed over the last 36 months.


The Church of the Highlands saga stands as a stark reminder of the challenges and opportunities facing modern faith communities. As society evolves and demands for transparency rise, religious institutions must adapt. The path forward lies in striking a balance between innovation and tradition, accountability and faith.

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